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Welcome to St. Paul's Episcopal Church
A Place of Healing, Wholeness, and Hope

Join us on Sunday, February 16th at 9:30 am
for our Episcopal Visit from
Diocesan Bishop Carrie-Schofield Broadbent!

Sunday School & Nursery Services
start at 10:00 am each Sunday!
Do you enjoy public speaking?
Check out this contest!

"How Optimism Has Guided Me Through Trying Times" is this year's Optimist Oratorical Contest topic. Entry applications are due on March 8 and the contest will be held on March 10. Cash prizes for the first, second, and third place contestants. Entry form and rules are available on our website:
Join us for Holy Eucharist every Sunday
at 8:00 am (Rite 1) and 10:30 am (Rite 2 with Music).
We even live stream our services on Facebook for those who cannot join us in person!
We offer Sunday School and Nursery at 10:00 am from September 15th through the end of May. All are welcome to join us in celebrating the love and spirit of the church.

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