Happenings at St. Paul's
At St. Paul's Episcopal Church, we believe that gathering together in community is an essential part of who we are. Check out our calendar for upcoming services, fellowship opportunities, and community events.
Weekly Events
Tuesdays at 7:00 pm - 231 Group Meeting in Parish Hall Lower Level
Wednesdays at 6:00 pm - EfM Class Meeting in the Chapel (Sept. - May)
Wednesdays at 7:00 pm - Living Sober meets in the Parish Hall Lower Level
Thursdays at 7:00 pm - St. Paul's Choir Practice in the Choir Room (Sept. - May)
Thursdays at 7:00 pm - Cub Scouts Pack 407 meets in Parish Hall (School Year)
Fridays at 7:00 pm - 231 Group Meeting in Parish Hall Lower Level
Saturdays at 10:30 am - Living Sober meets in Parish Hall Lower Level
- Multiple DatesSat, Jan 18St. Paul's Episcopal ChurchJan 18, 2025, 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
- Sat, Jan 18Prince FrederickJan 18, 2025, 2:00 PM – 5:00 PMJoin us on Saturday, January 18th for songs, poetry, and more at our annual January Blues Event!
- Sun, Jan 26Prince FrederickJan 26, 2025, 6:00 PM – Feb 02, 2025, 8:00 AMSt. Paul's and Safe Nights Calvert County Needs You
Coffee Hour is a great way to gather after church to catch up with one another. Please consider sponsoring an upcoming date as a family or with a friend. You can sign up on the paper sign-up sheet in the Parish Hall or by using the link below. Thank you!
Adult Sunday School
We will meet on each scheduled Sunday at 9:30 am in the Parish Hall. All ages are welcome and invited to participate in any of the series offered. You can also "drop in" for single sessions that interest you.
September: Liturgy
Sept. 8th - "What is it?"
Sept. 15th - "Where does it come from?"
Sept. 22nd - "Liturgy doesn't have to be boring!"
Sept. 29th - "What do we do and why do we do it?"
October: Theology
Oct. 13th - "We are all theologians."
Oct. 20th - "Where are we getting this stuff?"
Oct. 27th - "Being heavenly minded and doing earthly good."
Nov. 3rd - All Saints' Day
Nov. 10th - History of St. Paul's: Founding, History, and Building
Nov. 17th - History of St. Paul's and the Episcopal Church
Nov. 24th - Christ the King/Kirkin' of the Tartans
Dec. 1st - The Protestant Episcopal Church in America
Dec. 15th - Meeting the Bible
Dec. 22nd - Exodus: The Central Story of God's Deliverance
Dec. 29th - Exodus: How The Narrative Shapes Our Theology
January: Ways of Prayer
Jan. 12th - Types of Prayer and Intro to Prayer Practices
Jan. 19th - Contemplative Prayer Practices
Education for Ministry (EfM) at St. Paul's
The Education for Ministry (EfM) program at St. Paul's will be starting a new session this fall. EfM is a small-group adult formation program. Since its founding in 1975, this international program has assisted more than 120,000 participants discover and nurture their call to Christian service. Although EfM is a four-year program, participants commit to only one year at a time. We meet once a week in person (with hybrid option) September-May. During the program, we pray together and respectfully share our thoughts and experiences as we read and study the entire Bible and several supplementary texts that provide historical and cultural context and relate ancient teachings to the modern world. We revel in and wrestle with the material in a respectful and supportive small group environment. Most importantly, we learn to reflect theologically on what we read so we can put our faith into action.
Get Involved
At St. Paul's Episcopal Church, we are committed to making a positive impact on the lives of our members and the community. Check out our photos below of recent events and activities.